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Adult Ministry and Outreach


Men’s Monthly Book Study

Men’s Monthly Book Study will be meeting the first Saturday of the month at 8:30 am in the Church Office Men of All Ages Welcome! Continental Breakfast served

Currently we are reading Luther for Arm Chair Theologians by Steven D. Paulsen


Second Look

We will take a second look at the worship service in the library after coffee and donuts. This is a discussion about what touched your heart in today's sermon, scripture reading, and worship music.


Joy Circle

Joy Circle is a women’s Bible study group that meets once a month on the second Tuesday at 9:30am in the church library. We refer to the bible study in the “Lutheran Woman Today” which is published by Augsburg Fortress Press and is available for $12.00 per year. We also discuss many of the articles in the magazine that help to support the Bible Study. It is a relaxed time of study, sharing and prayer followed by refreshments. All women of the church and friends are welcome to join us as we seek to discover the meaning and application of God’s scriptures for our lives.
“For where two or three are gathered in my name there am I in the midst of them”
Matthew 18: 20 (RSV)


Confirmation Class

Our program here at St. Olaf is an intensive two year faith study geared primarily toward the seventh and eighth grade classes, but can be adapted to meet the needs of those youth who need to affirm their faith.

There are many facets that are studied including the Bible (both Old and New Testaments), prayer, Luther’s Small Catechism (including the Lord’s Prayer, the 10 Commandments, Apostle’s Creed, Baptism, Communion, Office of the Keys), worship life in the church, the meaning of the birth, the cross and the resurrection and learning about God’s grace.


Lutheran Social Services


Friday Feeding

We are in a church coalition that helps feed the homeless around our community every Friday. St Olaf participates in the outreach event every SECOND FRIDAY of every month. Please come and help any time! We start making lunches around 10:30 and we leave the church around 11:00 am.


Drive-Thru Food Pantry

Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday from 11am to 1 pm, we have a drive - thru food pantry

available to the community. Enter thru Lampson St. parking lot and follow signs to food pantry.

If you would like to help distribute food or donate food and/or funds, contact Jamie Finnsson

at 714)329-5394 or email her at missimposs@gmail.


Cursillo - Leadership Building

Cursillo is a lay led Lutheran retreat ministry that came to Southern California in 1990. Over the course of the 3 day retreat Lutherans are trained to be Christian leaders, not necessarily in the sense of ‘being in charge of things’ but as leaders who influence the world around them by living as a strong witness to their faith. In addition to Pastor Tony and his wife Carol approximately 15 members of St Olaf have attended Lutheran Cursillo. During the course of this free retreat attendees will hear talks given by pastors and lay persons about various aspects of Christian living. There are also daily chapel visits, communion, several meditations and food, lots and lots of food. It wouldn’t be a Lutheran retreat without ample amounts of food. These are some of the ‘official’ facts of Lutheran Cursillo. These facts don’t really capture the true experience of Cursillo. It is something that has to be experienced to really be understood. One who attends is surrounded by and experiences the love of our Savior in a way that can be life changing. Lutheran Cursillo is not a secret society or a place for super Christians. It is open to all baptized members of the Lutheran Church. If you’d like more information about Cursillo you can go to to find out more about this amazing retreat ministry. If you’d like a more personal testimony of what Cursillo is talk to Pastor Tony or Carol. After prayerful consideration if you decide you’d like to attend one of the 3 weekend retreats held each year contact the church office.



  • Email chain - Prayer Warriors​

If you would like to join our prayer group OR be added to our prayer list simply email in the church office and request that your name be added. If we are going to pray for you please give us a brief note on what you would like us to pray about. We are here for you!






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